
Pointers To Buy Right Mattress

Mattress | Pocket Spring Technology| Serenity Mattress

Pointers To Buy Right Mattress :

Buy the right mattress is a dilemma faced by us more often than not.

To ease this dilemma a few pointers on how to buy right mattress for yourself.

Mattress is a purchase an average human makes twice in his lifetime. Hence, everyone is looking for the best deal at economic price which lasts him a life time.

Buying a mattress is an investment for sound sleep thereby helping you to maintain good health.

Before purchasing a mattress one needs to consider body weight, health issues, age, height, size of bed and of course budget.

On that note, mattresses are either made of complete foam or different spring technology.

Mattress With Spring Technology:

It’s highly recommend mattresses with spring technology taking into consideration the aforementioned  factors.

Like for children & teenagers to young adults a medium firm mattress like Supernova Mattress  is recommended.

It offers great support while at the same time cushioning your body for a cozy and snug rest.

For people above 40 years of age Orthopedic Plus Mattress with bonnel spring or  commonly known as open coil spring mattress is highly recommended.

For a more luxury feel, even Serenity Mattress with Pocket Spring Technology is ideal.

It is the most comfortable and contours with your body weight aligning the spine and often known as Luxury firm spring mattress.

Before buying or ordering  your mattress please measure your bed in width and length in inches or centimeters.  Where the mattress sits inside the bed. Often ready  mattresses available in the market may differ in size to the bed you have.

If you are planning to buy a made to order bed from your favorite fundi.  Give him the size of the mattress from the mattress store you have identified the mattress for yourself.

Always it is highly advisable to  visit the mattress showroom & try out the different mattress. Before you make purchase so as to get a feel of various  mattresses.

This will help you to make an informed decision on “what is the best bed mattress to buy?”

Advantages of Spring Mattress:

  • Options to choose from medium firm to firm to luxury firm.
  • Nice & bouncy
  • Spring technology provides breathing for the mattress as you sit & get up thus making it breathable.